UPDATE - there are no more trees available - way to go Arlington!
We handed out so many trees Saturday, but not all of them!
🌱Public Works is giving away the leftovers on a First Come First Serve basis. Stop by during PW working hours to pick up yours! 🌱
(Public Works - 11491 Mem-Arl Road, 7am-3:30pm)

Don't forget - You're invited to walk through Arlington High's new Fine Arts Expansion tonight at 4:30pm.
So if you have a current or future AHS student, or you're just curious, drop in and see all the new and updated spaces!

Residents who previously registered for trees in support of TN Tree Day can pick up their leafy additions from 8 am - noon today at Arlington Public Works.

Have you downloaded the Town of Arlington App yet? Available for Apple and Android - it's an easy way to keep track of Town Calendars , updates, and information.

Be Weather Aware tonight - a line of strong to severe thunderstorms are forecast to move through the Mid-South tonight through Friday morning.
Stay tuned to local weather sources to track the storms, and have a plan in case of an emergency. In the event of a Tornado Warning - the Town Safe Room will be open and available.

PUBLIC NOTICE - The Town of Arlington Board of Mayor and Aldermen will hold a Public Hearing, and Second & Final reading on Monday April 1, 2024 at Town Hall, 5854 Airline Road, Arlington, Tennessee, at 6:30 PM for the following:
- Ordinance 2024-02 to amend Title 8, Chapter 2, Beer of the Arlington Municipal Code by amendment and the addition of certain sections.

Our Library may be small - but they are mighty! Here's a snapshot of the events scheduled this week. Events for everyone - PK to Adult!
Check out the Library's page for a full list of activities. Something fun is surely waiting for you! www.townofarlington.org/page/programs

We miss you too!! The Senior Center will tentatively return for in-person events this Wednesday (3/13). Online calendars were updated to reflect impacts to classes and events.
Thank you for your patience. Please stay safe & healthy!

The Arlington Senior Center will be CLOSED for the rest of this week due to several staff members being out sick. However, any planned Virtual Courses will still be held.
We apologize for any inconvenience and hope to be back to serve you next week.

You've seen the construction - now see the finished product! ACS is inviting everyone to come see the new Arlington High School Fine Arts Expansion on Monday, March 18th at 4:30pm.
So if you've got an AHS student or future student, or you're just curious, drop in and see the new band hall, orchestra room, enhanced backstage theater, fine arts plaza, and more!!

Don't Forget - this month's BMA meeting was shifted to tomorrow night (Tues, 3/5). It will begin immediately after a 6:30pm Beer Board meeting at Town Hall.

Get ready to join us for a walk! The Senior Center's first Walk With Ease program dates have been selected - April 8th to May 31st. That means you still have time to dig out those walking shoes! Adults of all ages are welcome!

Don't forget - the County & Presidential Primary Election is next Tuesday (3/5). Polls will be open from 7am to 7pm.
Check the Shelby Co. Election Commission site for details including voting locations, sample ballots, etc. https://www.electionsshelbytn.gov/

When is Italian club again? How about Gentle Yoga or Men's Chat? Our Senior Center does so much it can be hard to keep up! To help, we've added a Senior Center Calendar to the Town website and App.
Don't worry - the printable calendars are still available, but hopefully this gives another option to make sure you're not missing out!

Only 5 days left to reserve your tree seedlings for pick-up at Arlington Public Works!
For more info: https://www.tectn.org/tennesseetreeday.html

The Beer Board will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, at 6:30pm at Arlington Town Hall. The meeting Agenda is available to view on the Town's website: www.townofarlington.org

Join us in the Community Garden and grow your own vegetables! Boxes open this Friday, March 1st. Reach out to the Parks & Recreation Department today to apply for your box.

The Arlington Health & Safety Committee's February meeting is tonight (2/27) at 5:30pm at Fire Station No. 2 on Donelson Road. Their guest speaker this month is Elizabeth Equi, our Senior Center Director. As always, residents are welcome to attend.

Arlington's streetlight LED Conversion is starting soon. Learn more at: https://www.townofarlington.org/article/1449182

PUBLIC HEARING - The Town of Arlington Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing at 6:30PM on Monday, March 18, 2024, at Town Hall, 5854 Airline Rd to consider:
- a General Development Plan for Donelson Farms, a commercial/industrial planned development (PD/C-I) on 287.26 acres south of Donelson Farms Pkwy, west of I-269
Any questions please contact the Planning Department at (901) 867-3449